General medicine final practical examination - long case

 February 9 th, 2022

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/ guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e- log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .

Date of administration : 2-2-2022

A 60 yr old male patient driver by occupation came to the opd with chief complaint of 

Pedal edema since 5 days

SOB : since  5 days 

Fever: since 5 days 

Decreased urine out  put since 3 days 

He is a known case of chronic renal failure & he is on hemodialysis & he underwent (4) sessions of hemodialysis 

History of present illness :

Patient was apparently normal 15 days back and he is completely normal & he can able to do his regular routine work. But 15 days back he developed edema in his lower limb which is extended upto ankle which is pitting type 

Fever which is continuous associated with cough & vomiting since 5 days. Vomiting of one episode which is non projectile. Cough with sputum which is red in colour and reduced after medication 

SOB of grade 4 since 5 days 

After completion of (6) session of dialysis he has gone through acute ischaemic stroke. 

Past history : 

He had a H/O giddiness 15 years back for which he went to hospital and diagnosed with diabetes and he discontinued medication since 6 years back. He had H/O  TB 15 years back which is treated with HRZE regime. 

Diagnosed with hypertension since 2 years 

Personal history :  

Diet : mixed 

Appetite : normal 

Sleep : adequate 

Alcoholoc since 30 yrs 

Family history:

No relevant family history

General examination: 

Patient was conscious, coherent not well cooperative 


No Cyanosis , clubbing, lymphadenopathy

Pedal edema which is pitting type 

Vitals :

Temperature :99.6F

BP:140/80mm Hg 

PR: 85bpm 


GRBS :237 mg

Systemic examination :

CVS :S1 &S2 +


PA :soft, non tender 


Investigations :


Hb-7. 1 gn/dl

TLC-12, 500

Lymphocytes -13 

PCV -21. 6 

MCH -22. 7

RBC count -3. 13 million/cumm



Creatinine -10. 1 mg/dl

Phosphorus- 6.6mg/dl


Total bilirubin -0. 76 

ALP -141

Total protein :5.8gm/dl

Albumin :2.7 gm/dl

Complete urine culture :

Mid brain : 

It confirms that there are a few infarcts in right corona radiata. Age of infarcta is 12 to 16 hrs 

Provisional diagnosis: 


Final diagnosis : 



Salt restriction-<2.4 gm/day 

Fluid restriction :<lit/day

Tab lasix 40 mg 

Tab SHELCAL -500 mg


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